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Old 07-26-2004, 08:57 AM
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Arioch Arioch is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Terminal Dogma
Posts: 5,361
One of my friends got pulled over by the cops, once the cop approached his car, he was asked if they could search his car. (My friend is black by the way...Racial Profiling sucks!) He told them no. They spent the next three hours searching his car and didn't find SHIT!!! After they told him he was free to go...

he said... Thanks for wasting my fucking time, why don't you go find some real criminals!

Thats fucking bullshit! me and my friends got pulled over the other day because we were wearing all black...

Cop - "Is it common for you guys to wear all black at the same time?"
Everyone else is grim and respectfull but i just bust out laughing, i couldnt help it...
Cop - "is there something funny about this"
me - "oh, well, we wear black pretty often yes"
Cop - "we've had some breakins and gang activity around here, you guys wouldn't know anything about that would you"
As he searches my car with his flashlight, (illegaly technically)
Me - *giggling* " uh.....NO, we're in a BAND!"

it was pretty crazy, im always the one that ends up talking to the cops, i dont know why....but ya, complete bullshit...
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