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Old 05-01-2024, 05:28 AM
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Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Belgium
Posts: 908
Imaginary 2024 ★★★

Two and a half stars for an overall entertaining and solid PG 13 horror with some good visuals and a solid cast. The kind of movie that makes you want to imdb half the cast. Tom “Jesus” Payne kind of looks like a Dutch singer called Waylon. Also add a half star for at least an attempt to tackle a real life fear (will the family of my new partner accept me as a stepparent and what if they don't), be it perhaps not really subtle.

A few of the jumpscares are well executed, but they are certainly not all zingers. The story was also a bit too predictable with the stepdaughters turning around, the big reveal about the mom and the fake out near the end. Or with Gloria turning on them. As I said, subtlety is not this movie's strong suit.

That said, a fun night out for people who enjoy the Blumhouse style.
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