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Old 03-05-2024, 12:31 AM
FryeDwight FryeDwight is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 2,881
BEAST WITH A MILLION EYES (1955). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPOILERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > An early AIP before they became AIP. BWAME focuses on a combative financially struggling family, raising dates in the desert, far from the nearest town. Paul Birch (THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED) also has to deal with an unhappy complaining wife (Lorna Thayer who was in a lot of films, particularly as The Waitress in FIVE EASY PIECES)-the women is so fussy, You could almost dub her "The Beast With A Million Whines". The wife also squabbles a lot with their daughter (whose voice sounds a lot like Rocky J Squirrel) and she's not crazy about their mentally deficient handy man-only referred to as "Him"-who has a ton of pin-ups in his living quarters and seems to take an unhealthy interest in the daughter, especially by the swimming hole.

A UFO flies over their house crashing somewhere in the desert and odd things begin occurring such as animals turning vicious and "Him" trying to harm the family. It turns out the Alien of the ship (who is less than impressive with You see him) has taken control of all the local animals and less intelligent people, giving him unlimited views, hence the "Million Eyes"

It's goofy, no two ways about it, but a certain inept charm and a larger budget might have helped-also an early appearance by Dick Sargent, the second "Darrin" from BEWITCHED. **1/2
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