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Old 02-11-2024, 03:51 AM
FryeDwight FryeDwight is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 2,878
Originally Posted by Tommy Jarvis View Post
Here's Sub Zero. Now... plain zero!

Did not know he was a wrestler. Thanks for that little nugget. Did he and Jesse Ventura ever have a match together?

Did not see the parrallel with Dexter, but I can see what you mean.

Martin reminded on something I once read on serial killers either being super organized and methodical or very impulsive and for a lack of a better word, chaotic.

It's certainly a very good horror, but I cannot bring myself to rate it over the original Dead-trilogy.

Skimmed this one (so no spoilers yet ) and it gives me an excuse to head over to plex some time soon. Thanks for the heads up.
Here's more info for You, TJ
I started getting into Pro Wrestling when I was 9 out in the an Francisco Area and about a year later started reading the magazines (I preferred the Weston Mags, like THE WRESTLER and INSIDE WRESTLING, whose covers always featured some poor slob with a blood drenched face on the cover, usually Bobby Heenan). My first one had an article on the feud between Tananka and Pedro Morales and later on, The Prof held the WWWF tag team title with Mr Fuji. To the best of my knowledge, He and Jesse never locked horns in the ring, although both of them are in TRM.

I would rate the DEAD films higher than MARTIN as well, but it and KNIGHTRIDERS are Romero films I quite like.

You're welcome about THE CANDY SNATCHERS...pretty rough, but kept Me interested for sure.

BLACK MAMA, WHITE MAMA (1972). AIP Women In Prison (WIP) film shot in the Philippines. Two prisoners ; one a Prostitute (Pam Grier) wants to escape with extorted money from her pimp and the other a Revolutionary (Blonde Margaret Markov) cause enough problems at their prison to warrant being sent to a Maximum Security Pen handcuffed together until they manage to escape, but a big problem has them handcuffed together, with different agendas and having complete dislike for one another.

This probably sounds a lot to You as very similar to THE DEFIANT ONES, which it certainly is, but of course, a friendship or at least an understanding builds. Some off the wall moments (How a dog is thrown off their trail, A Prison Matron doing more than just watching Women prisoners in the shower, cheesy dialogue) and another great turn by Sid Haig, who chews the scenery with gusto. Oddly enough, with a big mustache and a Cowboy hat, He looks a lot like Jim Croce! ***
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