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Old 01-05-2024, 02:48 AM
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Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Belgium
Posts: 902
Cujo 1983 ★★★★

A King-adaptation to kick off the New Year. Sounds like a plan.

The combination of the main character and the slow burn is a good idea. You really get the time to let it sink in. This Saint Bernard, this sweet old slobberpuss. Under the normal run of things, he would not hurt a fly. But then he turns into this vicious killer, all because of a scenario that's very plausible at the setting of book and film. Horror in its purest form.

That said, it is a slow burn, which is no good news for the more impatient among us. So we got an infidelity subplot that's not really essential to the central storyline. But it is well told and keeps you invested. And it's a bit uncanny as well how pairings with Dee Wallace and Christopher Stone at the time always had a bit of irony to them.

When it does get going, the movie wastes no time in getting scary with the killing of Ed Lauter (aka Colonel Belt) and the type of guy you have seen before but cannot put you finger on … (fuck it, IMDB here we come... Oh, he played a racist on an episode of MASH). And holy shit, it's Deep Throat.

I also enjoyed how the emphasis is not set on the beats, but on the constant threat. Every time they stick their head out of the car, the dog can pounce and pose an ovwerwhelming threat. Which is even more amazing considering the simple trickery they used to set up this shot. Not to mention the terror at the end when the child appears to have from dehydration. I was on the edge of my seat. Who does terrorized better than Dee Wallace?

Well recommended.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 1989 ★★★★★

What should have been a worthy ending to a very entertaining trilogy.

The chemistry and banter between Ford and Connery are exhilirating and at the same time irresistible. So good I almost forgot to mention to the excellent comic relief provided by Salah and Marcus. Lost in hos own museum, huh?

Connery: I'm only as human as the next man.
Ford: I WAS the next man.

Connery: I didn't know you could fly a plane.
Ford: Fly, yes. Land, no

What keeps the movie interesting are all the little tidbits you find on rewatches. Like how the conselor Friday the 13th: a new beginning ends up bestowing the infamous fedora on our hero. And blimey, is that Alexi Sayle?

Must see, obviously.

Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981 ★★★★½

An amazing introduction to one of the all time greats when it comes to epic heroes. One of the standards for action comedy blockbuster entertainment.

Equal doses of thrills, laughes and occsional scares - I consider the melting Nazi's as my first horror moment - with Harrison Ford on top of his game. Surrounded by a well rounded out cast with great roles by Karen Allen as Marion. Or why not mention Ronald Lacey? Sure, you can say that this portrayal of Gestapo-officers is clichéd by now, but Lacey succeeds in the main thing: making Toth look scary.

Perfect for a night of wholesome entertainment.
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