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Old 12-25-2023, 01:16 AM
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Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Belgium
Posts: 895
2001: A Space Odyssey 1968 ★★★★★

An all time classic for the ages. The best way to watch this is with somebody and see the disbelief on their face. "Holy crap! And this was made in 1968? Bruh."

Every single time, I am in awe of the majestuousness of it all. Overwhelmingly grand and, upon this rewatch, I wonder if and how much this influenced somebody like Wes Anderson.

I also liked how it incorporated horror elements, with Hal as an excellent psychopath.

I have no pretentions about understanding all the layers and metaphors in this movie. But I am looking forward to finding books and YT videos analysing and explaining them. Tips always welcome in the comments.

And of course: Merry Christmas, everyone.

Fanatic 1965 ★★★★

Die! Die my darling is a very entertaining Hammer flick.

The storyline is rather straightforward: a young lady goes to visit the mother of her recently deceased fiancé/boyfriend (tying up loose ends and what not), only to find that this woman takes cuckoo for Christ to a whole new level.

Tallulah Blankhead really shines here as Mrs Terfoile. From the first moment you see that expressive face, all the red flags are up and all the alarm bells should be ringing. She ends up holding our heroine Patricia, setting up a slew of escape attempts that keep you on the edge of your seat. Well told and a good moment to mention the performance by Donald Sutherland as the simple minded Joseph.

In these domains, it's also a sixties film. When the protagonist finally escapes, it's not so much by her own doing. It's more when Mrs. Terfoyle's fanaticism ends up being her undoing after killing the caretaker and resident pervert Harry. Good job by Peter Vaughan. And the “new guy” gets to save her, followed by a “told ya”-moment. Yeah, that would be done very differently today. Not throwing a stone at anyone here, mind you.

Nonetheless a solid sixties horror. Worth a check.
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