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Old 12-30-2020, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by FryeDwight View Post
That's a Great of my Price Picks and scared the hell out of Me at 10.

PLANET OF THE APES (1968)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPOILERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

Haven't watched this in ages and despite some lampooning over the years, found out that POTA has held up EXTREMELY well...the John Chambers makeup is still effective, wonderful visuals, the score kicks ass and despite a "G" rating, really a grim story. Not crazy about Charlton Heston, but He's pretty good here, along with Roddy McDowell (FRIGHT NIGHT, LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE), Kim Hunter (THE SEVENTH VICTIM, Oscar winner for A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE) , Linda Harrison (Very touching as "Nova" also in AIRPORT 1975 and COCOON) and Maurice Evans (ROSEMARY'S BABY), who is awesome as the seemingly closed minded Dr Zaius, who is trying to cover up what could be a disastrous turn of events for all.
While the ending has been parodied in many formats, it's still a whopper. Saw this on TV when 14- not knowing how it would finish- and was totally blown away. Am glad Heston insisted the closing lines stay in the film; certainly not blasphemy, but rage and sorrow that such a thing could have occurred. *****
LOL That's what I would tell people who've heard me use that closing line in a show I did, 'It's not taking the Lord's name in vain, because he's really asking God to damn them all to hell.'

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