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Old 09-20-2019, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by GMB View Post
Sculpt- it actually just registered to me that subtitles is out for now. Probably sound silly but I’m only watching movies when I’m in my shop doing light projects or if I’m exercising. I definitely couldnt keep up.

I looked at hush and I’ve seen it but I don’t remember much. Might rewatch.

Just finished Mandy lane. Cool movie.
Yeah, totally. I can't watch subtitled films if I'm eating or snacking. Probably be tough even if you were just doing a treadmill, you have to glue your eyes unflinchingly to the bottom of the screen.

I don't like watching subtitled films in general because you can't just watch the whole screen like the director intended it. Busan was an 'easy read', by the way, short and generally infrequent dialogue. So when you can just end your night with Netflix, it's a fun watch.

What I liked about Hush was that basically everything the film shows you is there for a purpose. That's generally textbook for making films, but for horror fans, especially cheaper horror, we know there's a ton of meaningless shoots and items. So it was cool to see a film with Hitchcockian detail.

Last edited by Sculpt; 09-20-2019 at 08:20 PM.
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