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Old 03-15-2019, 10:37 PM
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Good Rage Against Poor Reviews of Don't Answer the Phone

I saw ImmotalSlasher bought this DVD, and I found this funny rage against the poor reviews by Rotten Tomatoes Super Reviewer Cassandra Maples:

Opinions are like as*holes - everybody has one. and unfortunately, plenty of the 'reviewers' here seem to be opining directly from it. How 'politically-aware'. 'I wasn't planning to dignify this film with a review . . . ' - WELL THEN DON'T! Don't watch it. Don't buy it. Don't have anything to do with it - and more importantly - don't sit there crying because you didn't like it, and think that everybody else should boycott it too - just because it offended your fragile sensibilities. I'm quite sure you knew what to expect from the synopsis on the DVD / video cover. 'Well, to start with, this film was made by a misogynist . . . ' AMAZING! Obviously, it must have been in that case! *Misogynist: - a misanthrope who dislikes women in particular. One who hates women* Are you aware of 'exploitation' movies - or is this just the only you've seen that worked? You should have started your review with 'Obviously I don't like films like this - so I should really ask myself why I watched it in the first place . . . ' 'I have absolutely no desire to see an uncut version . . ' I think you should stay away from this genre entirely - because it clearly isn't for you - so please do us all a favour, and don't take any more chances. After all - it might ruin your evening, and force you to write another 'review'. I don't particularly feel comfortable watching scenes containing rapes and/or sexual threat either - but if I watch a movie of this type - I made the decision to view it - so I only have myself to blame. Yes - it was grubby & sleazy & at times uncomfortable. That's usually the point of films which fit neatly into the exploitation genre. Yes - the score is dated. It was made in 1980!! Sure it's cheesy - that's what's enjoyable about it. Yes - the acting isn't fantastic - so what! The movie worked for me. I like that 80's greasy nasty vibe. It's what these films are about. If you don't like it - then don't watch it - but please, don't try to discourage others from seeing it. That's just rude.

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