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Old 01-31-2019, 04:54 AM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
I have kind of scanned over a lot of your family related posts...and while some would have a conflicting way to go about handling this, let me say as a person who has walked away from two of his (not just any) immediate family - I've never felt so unburdened, happy, better about myself and had so little stress since doing so.

The fucked up thing is you sometimes don't even realise HOW bad it is while experiencing it, frog in hot water etc.
There are people that say things to family that they never should.
There are fucking reptiles in this world that have no respect or regard for their own no matter what you've been through or how much you've given them of your love, your effort, your soul.
Sometimes there is no solution but to walk the other never know man...people who let themselves go past a point with this might not ever come back, one way or another.

Someone told me that it's actually ok, and a person ought to consider removal of toxins as a good thing, no matter what hurdles, adjustments and emotional turmoil you have to go through to do it. Whoever those toxins may be.
I don't know what their family background was to have arrived at that place, or even if it was based on their own personal experience...but they spoke the truth.

I'll be clear on this, while you might get that I'm more than a little biased. I think it's perfectly ok to say "fuck family".
Just don't come to the decision lightly, and stay true to whatever it is.
Person can only do so much before whatever damage being done sticks.
People value you, or they don't. Act accordingly. It's for your own good.
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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