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Old 01-21-2019, 08:57 AM
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Originally Posted by fudgetusk View Post
JET SET RADIO FUTURE wasn't really a sports game. I hate sports games.
Did you think I said it was a sports game? I suggested it was like ski and skateboard games.

But now that you mention sports games... I think sports games are football, baseball, etc. Then of course there's track & field and gymnastics are considered sports, not many of those are video games. And then other meanings for sports like fishing, hunting, martial arts... some would call those sport games. And all the types of racing are generally considered sports and sports games: auto, BMX, skiing... and then there's 'extreme sports' that aren't racing, they're skill performance like ski jumps, surfing, skateboard, etc, and probably rollerblades.

I look at Jet Set Radio Future and you're racing around on rollerblades, jumps, riding the rails, running into 'prizes', at points you race other dudes, some skill jumping... while spraying graffiti, knocking over police and dancing... but it's not really about graffiti or gangs -- the gang RPG aspect is very slight as you're always skating around with that skill aspect, though there's definitely some arcade aspects running into prizes. It's a fusion of game types for sure, but I don't know if I wouldn't put it in the big, big bag called sports games that includes the skateboarding games. I took a peak at wiki and for genre it lists: "Action, sports". What genre would you call Jet Set?

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