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Old 12-08-2018, 12:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Sculpt View Post
Color of Night (1994)

In this thriller mystery Bruce Willis plays a clinical psychologist who's doubting himself after he loses a patient. He visits a good friend (Scott Bakula) who's also a shrink, and sits in with his therapy group. His friend ends up brutally murdered, and a police detective (Ruben Blades) talks Willis into taking over the group to see if the murderer is in the group.

A lot was made of the gratuitous 'erotic' scenes, and the film was panned at the time, including 'earning' a Golden Raspberry Award as the worst film of 1994. Was directed by Richard Rush.

The plot, all of which I can't reveal, is really audacious and completely improbable, but with the magic of cinema the director pulls it off. It's a bit of a pop version mix between Dressed to Kill and Marnie. It does manage to be suspenseful thriller with some interesting characters. And there's excellent performances by Ruben Blades and lead actress Jane March. It also has a great theme song in "Color of the Night" performed by Lauren Christy.

The film's runtime is insanely fat at 2h 20m (director's cut), or just over 2hs (theatrical release). If it was cut to 90mins, it would be pretty decent. I think the erotic scenes float outside the storyline and hinders the cohesion.

I don't recommend it. I guess I just wondering if anyone had seen it before?
Oh yes, I remember Bruce Willis dick.

Bad movie.
I'm right. It's the rest of the world that's wrong.
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