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Old 06-24-2004, 05:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Calling all artists!

Hi everyone,

I am a cover artist and website designer for many horror authors. I've been cruising around on the boards for a while, but never posted. There are a lot of dark artists here, and I'd like to invite you all to join the Mid-Atlantic Horror Professionals, a dues-free organization headquartered at

If you work professionally in the horror industry (or would like to), do business in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia or Washington, DC, and would like to network with horror filmmakers, haunted house operators, paranormal investigators, webmasters, publishers and writers, please consider joining. The MAHP is a mutual support network providing access to regional networking, marketing, promotion, and professional development through events and gatherings, as well as a newsletter, directory, and web forum. We currently have about 70 members and are growing fast.

Current projects include sponsorship of a dealer's table at the Horrorfind Weekend convention this August, and the publication of a chapbook anthology promoting our writers. Earlier this year, the MAHP sponsored a group booksigning in Falls Church, Virginia to benefit Parkinson's Disease research.

If you're interested in joining, simply fill out an online application through the "Join" button at Our membership committee will process your application within 48 hours and give you access to our private message board and membership directory.

If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected].
Thanks for your consideration!

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