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Old 10-18-2018, 04:42 AM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
Oh the rookie is out?
...I'll watch, in the continued hope Fillion does something half as good as firefly ever again. I doubt this is it, but it looked "ok".

I just saw the ARROW season premiere.
In my mind waaaay better than the Flash premiere, which is weird as I usually enjoy that one a bit more these days...but yeah, Arrow had one hell of a launch.
It's funny - for those that have seen this episode - what they did with the island etc, is a format change I figured they'd eventually have to move on to after so long. It was either that or like "24" it.
But yeah - I liked the episode.
One of the guys from "Freddy vs Jason" played a minor role too.

I remember about 3-4 years before Arrow ever came out, there was talk of a Green Arrow movie that was throwing around "Supermax" as the/part of the title.
Guess we might get to see a bit of how that would have been.
The show remains competent at least...few iffy seasons here and there...but it's kind of one of the ones I just wanna see through to the end.
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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