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Old 10-09-2018, 09:19 AM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
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Originally Posted by Dead Bad Things View Post
Got my Halloween supplies today
Very nice! I have had that absinthe before though and I must say it fails in comparison to European absinthe , but of course that is illegal in the states. I used to buy it on eBay but I think they are cracking down there. You must try French absinthe sometime in your life.

Originally Posted by LuvablePsycho View Post
Lol that kind of reminds me of the trips I take to the flea markets and I always find a few Asians with booths trying to sell cheaply made shit. The only things I ever buy from them are the things that look genuinely Asian like the beautiful floral pattern fans or the dragon and geisha figurines.

And yeah your ex girlfriend reminds me of the soon-to-be ex wife of a guy my Mom is friends with. She was an abusive control freak who actually told him how many monsters he was allowed to drink in a day or how many cigarettes he was allowed to smoke with his own money that he worked hard for and she would go on these wild shopping sprees with his money buying junk that they didn't need. She also did things to screw him over every time they broke up.

Unfortunately some people are just nuts like that. If I ever meet a guy you better believe that I won't be putting up with any abusive crap from him.
my ex is the devil. She did a lot of really gross things and I am glad to be away from her.

Last edited by Morningriser; 10-09-2018 at 09:22 AM.
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