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Old 10-09-2018, 06:52 AM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 2,014
New York is wonderful! I have been three times and the first was back in 2007 when my ex took me for my birthday and Alex Grey, the artist who does all the artwork for the band Tool, was having the 3rd or 4th anniversary celebration for his Studio and she got us tickets and I got to see some of my favorite paintings in person and I got to meet the artist behind them and have a conversation with him and his wife. It was honestly the best thing that woman ever did for me. While we were there the first and third time we did the Gray Line double decker bus tours where we could go on the top and it was open. We got to see all of Manhattan and even got to go over to Brooklyn and we took a ferry to Staten Island to get some really good pictures of the Statue of Liberty. if you ever get a chance I would highly recommend going there.
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