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Old 06-23-2018, 07:42 PM
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Originally Posted by LuvablePsycho View Post
Well it was also like a historical drama. I mean it was set in a European country in the 1940's right after World War 2 and the main female character was dealing with the hardship of raising two children with severe disabilities and a husband who had possibly died fighting in the war. It just happaned to have ghosts involved but to me they really weren't as scary as other ghost movies because in the end after you find out the big plot twist I realized it wasn't such a bad situation after all. Of course I don't want to spoil the ending lol.
I get what you're saying; and it was a strong period piece with the car, clothing, items in the house. Just my opinion, I don't think this would be a film without the ghosts, and the twist wouldn't exist without the ghost thing. And I remember little things like the ghostly sounds, and the heads under the sheets scene... maybe I was jumpy that night, but I thought it was scary, it got under my skin. I was thoroughly immersed into the film with the details of her hardship life, which I think was the point (immersion) which made this a good horror film. It's a strong drama, definitely in the vein of The Sixth Sense, though of course the later had the gory.

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