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Old 06-23-2018, 06:27 AM
idoneus1957 idoneus1957 is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 232
Horror movies mismarketed

I thought of this when I saw the movie "The little girl who lives down the lane" at a college film society, a few years after it came out.

The movie was marketed to the wrong people. What I mean is, the ad campaign tried to make it seem like a horror movie, when it wasn't a horror movie. So the people who went to see it didn't like it, because they were expecting something else, and they gave it bad word of mouth, and it flopped. And the people who would have enjoyed it didn't go to see it, because they thought it was a horror movie.

Then there are the movies that fall between the genre cracks. I see the movie and think "It's too arty for the horror film crowd, and too much like a horror movie for the art film crowd." That's what I thought of Cemetery Man.

I didn't even know Rupert Everett was a famous actor. For a long time I thought of him as "The guy who starred in Cemetery Man."

Like, the first movie I ever saw Jason Robards in was A Thousand Clowns, so I just thought of him as a funny guy. I had no idea he was a distinguished stage actor who had made his mark in heavy stuff like The Iceman Cometh.
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