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Old 04-20-2018, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by LuvablePsycho View Post
But seriously, I'm not afraid of horror movies because I have always known that they were not real even as a kid. I'm more afraid of the real dangers in life like getting robbed or murdered by criminals, coming down with a life-threatening illness, a bad storm destroying my house, nuclear war.... I think you guys understand what I mean.
Don't you think basically everyone, who gets a scary thrill from a horror movie, knows it's not real?

Originally Posted by fudgetusk View Post
You should be afraid that you are incapable of suspending your disbelief. And if you are not watching them to be scared then you must be watching them because you like to see folk die.
LOL! I got to read more of you posts, you're funny!

Originally Posted by LuvablePsycho View Post
You misunderstand me, I like watching them because I like monsters and because I like seeing how the survivor or survivors make it to the end (if there are any survivors). But mostly I just like the monsters and I think that the make-up and special effects that they use on them can be like works of art.

Just because I'm smart enough to realize that horror movies aren't real even though I still enjoy them doesn't mean that there is something wrong with me.
I think Fudge is nudging ya, Luv. Although, if you look a little deeper in what he said, any horror fan could dig deep and say, "hmm..."

There's a huge range of types and level of feeling fear... whether horror or suspense... it's not like it's ON or it's OFF.

Thrillers are suspenseful... there's an uneasy feeling about what you don't know, some confusion, some curiosity, some danger for the characters, some embarrassment, some anger. That's what Fudge is talking about... 'suspension of disbelief': you're able to identify with the main character, join them in the story, empathize with them. If you can't do that, if you feel no fear for them whatsoever... hmm... maybe you're missing something.

Last edited by Sculpt; 04-20-2018 at 03:28 PM.
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