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Old 08-11-2017, 08:32 PM
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Angel Heart (1987)

I choose between Angel Heart and Wild at Heart, two films I would interchange in confusion, because I hadn't seen either. I don't know if I picked the right one to see. I'll let you know after I see Wild at Heart.

Angel Heart was disappointing because the big reveal at the end had no resonance with me. Obviously, to avoid any spoilers, I won't get specific here. There was no consequence to the reveal because, although Harry Angel (Mickey Rourke) seemed like a nice chap, he merely discovered who he was and what he did. I certainly wasn't invested enough in who he was to care to find out. And after it was all said and done, the reveal would not be affecting anyone else in the film (and there's really no one to care about besides Harry), nor the world for that matter, and thus there was no consequence.

The road to the reveal was interesting and mysterious, and well shot... some scenes were intriguing, and many others not so much. Also, the reveal isn't really surprising by the last quarter of the film, which is fine... but again, besides not knowing why anyone would even care about the outcome, it's really quite a ridiculous premise.

Last edited by Sculpt; 08-12-2017 at 02:14 PM.
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