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Old 07-29-2016, 05:07 PM
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DeadbeatAtDawn DeadbeatAtDawn is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Extreme Horror Cinema
Posts: 3,552
Finishing the last couple of days of shooting AGP: The Song of Solomon. Will be back in the office late tomorrow... Will get to all my IM'S when I get home. Please bare with me.
I'd like to thank, everyone in the cast and crew. James Vanbebber for killing it, Scott Gabby, Maureen Pelamati, David McMahon Gene Palubicki, Josh Townsend, Betanya Grant, Andy Winton and Scott Warner for going above and beyond the call of duty. Chris Hilleke. For kicking ass and giving SOS a dynamic and spellbinding look.
Special thanks goes to Jerami Cruise and Marcus Koch for not only exceeding my expectations but bringing to life the gore SFX that will melt minds.
Last but not least, My heart felt thanks to Jessica Cameron for nailing this role and bringing dynamics to the set that gave the crew nightmares.
I personally don't think anyone is going to expect this
when it begins making the rounds next year. Very excited... since this is a true horror film that anyone in the horror genre will be able to watch. It's not just for gorehounds to drool and salivate over but for hard core fans of Evil Dead and The Exorcist... Very exciting times for everyone involved

Fucking Marcus Koch and Jerami Cruise on the Fx Lord have mercy!

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