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Old 06-21-2016, 06:21 PM
laughing_horror laughing_horror is offline
Little Boo
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4
Book Vs. Film

The film is obviously excellent as we all know but the book is phenomenal!

I remember seeing the film for the first time in November of 1998 and became obsessed with it and with searching for any additional information in regards to the film. So upon scouring the internet I learned about the news article the story was based off of, the novel the film itself was based upon and a variety of random things that had to do with exorcisms and the church.

Finding out about the book I rushed to the library that day, found it and checked it out and loved it even more than the film thanks to the additional detail it would go into plus the additional scenes that would not be available in the film for another little while.

If you have yet to read it I would suggest you jump right on it as you will enjoy it just as much, if not more than you did the film!
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