Thread: Urban Legends
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Old 01-22-2016, 04:51 AM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
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Originally Posted by Mayvock View Post
I am currently trying to find as many horror movies featuring urban legends as I can. I've seen the Urban Legend series and I saw the potential this genre might have. In your opinion, what are the best movies in this category? Which urban legends do you like the most? Is there any urban legend you would like to see in a movie?
Hmmm Technically most horror is based on some sort of Urban Legend. For instance Nightmare on Elm Street was based on a group of refugees that after fleeing bombing in their home country couldn't sleep due to intense nightmares and some of the men died in their sleep. This rooted an urban legend about being able to be killed in your sleep. And Freddy was born.

The Town that Dreaded sundown was based on true events that became somewhat of a legend and spawned the more modern take of the movie.

A lot of things can find their roots in urban legend.
Becoming a Killer (novel) ----

The People (short story) ----

Trapped (Short Story) ----

The End : A Short Glimpse (Flash Fiction) ---

Fear Awakens (novel) ----- Recently Restarted
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