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cheebacheeba 03-16-2019 04:12 PM

X-Men - Fatigued franchise?
...or is it just me?

I quite liked the X-men films.
Sure they weren't always accurate in terms of character and timeline - but for a franchise that, it would seem, tried to stand apart while giving respect to their source material, they were a pretty decent version of their comic counterpart.

At least, they were at first...then you got X-Men 3 which, for all the mutants it threw into the picture seemed a bit of a sloppy, erratic film - especially right after X2 which is arguably one of the best.

Then along came "first class", and I liked it. What a comeback move.
"Fresh" faces, a reasonably powerhouse villain, and really well written and played young versions of Charles and Erik...the addition to the lore and again standing on it's own version...it was enjoyable, in fact I hold it up there with the top x-men films.
One thing I liked was that it *almost* worked a bit like X-MEN/Generation X, even though it was in one version of the past, having the class of young "new" X-men brought a different feel to it. It was refreshing.

Then, for me...was where it kind of went downhill again...Days of Future Past really should have been split across two movies...it was a decent attempt but so much more they could have done, and it was just impossibly compressed.
I guess it was nice to bring cast-A and cast-B together.
Just, for as interesting as I thought it would be...didn't really do half what the movie prior did for me...and I've not watched it again since.

I've also watched all the Wolverine films - and in my mind they've yet to make a really good wolverine movie.
I get it. People like LOGAN...while I think it was a well made movie that did in fact bring a tone and quality to the series we hadn't really seen before...but for me? It was ok. Still not the movie to do Wolverine justice in my mind.

So... X-Men Apocalypse.
I always found this villain to be one of the most interesting ones.
In some ways essentially (loophole) unbeatable.
Big threat that messes up minds and relationships too, and some of the most interesting battles and story arcs I've ever read have been to do with this character and his history(and future) tampering background.
You'd think as a comic fan that this would have me sweating to see it...
With all of this?
I have purchased, but never turned on this movie.

Now there's another coming out "Dark Phoenix", another storyline I don't think can/should be contained to one film, but it is what it is.
...though...I just have no inclination whatsoever to check this out.

It's kind of disappointing...and I don't know...does the film look shitty? I'm not sure if I can tell any more. Just, zero interest.

Is it just...too much?

Anyone else?

Sculpt 03-16-2019 05:16 PM

I have similar thoughts. Even though it seems like a long time since Apocalypse, it's too soon for the Dark Phoenix story, because it's too much like Apocalypse. They need a small cast story. Or a little crossover with superhero group outside the Xmen, like Namor, the Human Torch, or forward timeline to Daredevil, Fantastic 4, Blade, one or all of the Defenders: Namor, Hulk, Dr Strange; or Spiderman. Or do Gambit, or another character.

Xmen 1 was refreshing, had a realistic feel to it.
Xmen 2 lost that a bit, but the story and action were excellent.
Xmen 3 went all-out with a million characters, and obviously the worst.
X-Men: First Class was a breath of fresh air, nicely done and focused.

I thought the Wolverine films were pretty forgettable. Wasn't a fan of the Logan film.

X-Men: Days of Future Past I thought was really good, though, like you said, had too many unnecessary side stories. It's still one of my favorites.

Apocalypse was just ok, again, too many characters, and I was a bit tired of the team-up against the super bad guy thing. I suppose they wanted to keep Apocalypse as larger than life, but he had plenty of small-guy scenes meeting up with soon-to-be Storm. I wished they would have created a real 3-dimensional character in Apoc as a person, complete with his inner thoughts and motivations, rather than visually bringing him in close and personal, but not delivering the goods.

I think they should have focused on flashing back to his Day One beginning, upbringing, who he was as a young man, displaying why he began stealing others' mutant powers... really explain what makes him tick.

Morningriser 03-23-2019 11:03 AM

I've been quite bored all along honestly about it all. I watched the first original one and found it incredibly bland with cheesy jokes and writing. I watched the second one at a friend's house after it came out on DVD and don't even remember most of it because it was so forgettable and the third I watched on TV and didn't like it at all. Days of Future Past was alright but as far as the Wolverine solo movies and apocalypse, I don't see what's so special about it. The Deadpool and Avengers stories that are going on are so much better in my opinion. The old cartoon series from the early 90s is a totally different story though.

Sculpt 03-23-2019 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Morningriser (Post 1037402)
I've been quite bored all along honestly about it all. I watched the first original one and found it incredibly bland with cheesy jokes and writing. I watched the second one at a friend's house after it came out on DVD and don't even remember most of it because it was so forgettable and the third I watched on TV and didn't like it at all. Days of Future Past was alright but as far as the Wolverine solo movies and apocalypse, I don't see what's so special about it. The Deadpool and Avengers stories that are going on are so much better in my opinion. The old cartoon series from the early 90s is a totally different story though.

Did you like the 90's cartoon series?

I really liked the 2 seasons of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (2010-11). It follows the original comic stories with some detail, good and creative action, and cracked me up a few times, wasn't kiddie with dialogue or goofiness. Most other sup-cartoons I've tried are too kiddie for me.

Morningriser 03-23-2019 05:31 PM

Yeah I loved the cartoon series. I didn't like it as much as Batman the Animated Series but it was still one of my go to S around the time it was on. I don't remember a whole lot from it since it's been so long but I do remember them doing the Cable story.

Morningriser 03-23-2019 07:04 PM

I'm not sure why but that posted twice.

cheebacheeba 03-24-2019 02:49 PM


I really liked the 2 seasons of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (2010-11). It follows the original comic stories with some detail, good and creative action, and cracked me up a few times, wasn't kiddie with dialogue or goofiness. Most other sup-cartoons I've tried are too kiddie for me
Agreed. I quite liked it.
I don't like *most* Marvel cartoons but they've had some gold.
Most of the Spider-Man ones are pretty decent...the 90's one at least had good storylines if not action scenes.
The two that came out around the same time
~Spectacular Spider-Man
~Wolverine & the X-men
were both excellent, but like so many Marvel cartoons, cut short.
I also loved the 3d kinda MTV Spider-Man series that loosely followed the Raimi films.

Sculpt 03-28-2019 06:13 PM

speaking of animated x-men, did you ever see Joss Whedon's animated Astonishing X-Men? Was pretty good, 100% adult. Saw it on netflix, I think, as one series, but I see the release was 2009-2012. Rather unique looking animation they call motion comics. I may have just seen "Gifted".

Morningriser 03-28-2019 06:18 PM

I haven't seen it, but I watch some of the video and I'm not sure it's something I would be into or not. Next time I get Netflix back for a month or two I will give it a chance though.

cheebacheeba 03-29-2019 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Sculpt (Post 1037496)
speaking of animated x-men, did you ever see Joss Whedon's animated Astonishing X-Men? Was pretty good, 100% adult. Saw it on netflix, I think, as one series, but I see the release was 2009-2012. Rather unique looking animation they call motion comics. I may have just seen "Gifted".

Yeah, the kind of motion comic one?
I'd love to see so many more arcs make it via this format when they don't make it to series/movies.
The comic run (and show) were really some of the best x-men stuff in years. Now I can barely ready the 50 fucking x titles. I liked that this one stood on it's own.

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