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-   -   Rank your favorite 10 William Hope Hodgson stories (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=68683)

diemath 09-13-2018 05:38 AM

Rank your favorite 10 William Hope Hodgson stories
In order to create a guide for novices concerning lesser known weird fiction authors, I have been conducting online surveys among fans to highlight some of their more popular works. In this thread, please rank your ten favorite William Hope Hodgson stories (novels or short stories). Your favorite story should be numbered 1, while your less preferred stories should ascend down to the number 10. If you haven't read or like 10 of his stories, you don't have to fill out a complete list, but I will only include submissions in my survey for those who have ranked at least 5 stories. Here's a link to a list of his complete works.

Once I have sufficient results, I'll put the details into a spreadsheet and create a table to share with the respondents. Thanks for participating!

fudgetusk 09-14-2018 04:53 AM

I've read most his Carnaki stories. Preferred HOUSE ON THE BORDERLAND. His fungus stories are great.

Your link doesn't work btw.

diemath 09-18-2018 04:30 AM

Are there any specific William Hope Hodgson stories that you particularly enjoy beyond The House on the Borderland? Also, thanks for letting me know about the link. It should work now.

fudgetusk 09-25-2018 05:55 AM

I can't recall the names of the few stories I read but I know they were connected to the sea and fungus. I really should dig them out, they were fantastic.

I think one may have been The Voice In The Night. and maybe one called The Derelict.

The Derelict is online...


As is The Voice In The Night...


So hard to find his works when you don't dare buy things off the web.

I do have THE GHOST PIRATES AND OTHERS. If you would like to suggest some good stories from that. But then that never works out...

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