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-   -   Creating Persisting Fear in a VR Horror Game (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=68500)

NoMoreSpookyClowns 04-11-2018 02:55 PM

Creating Persisting Fear in a VR Horror Game
Hi all,

I'm working on a VR horror title called RED and I thought this community would have some valuable insight into the qualities of a game that create fear, apprehension, and terror.

RED revolves around a woman named Mercedes and the lucid nightmares that she must survive each night.

It's a non-combative psychological nightmare horror in black and white (with the exception of red objects). Your goal is to reach the big red door at the end of every night while surviving new challenges each nightmare sequence. That could be hidden booby traps or a monster following your footsteps to ambush you.

The game is scary in certain moments, but it lacks that sense of persisting fear and unease.

What games or things make you feel that unwavering sense of fear?


fudgetusk 04-12-2018 05:05 AM

Doom 3 should be renamed ANGINA! What is your score like? I mean your music not your points. Minimal music is naturally scary I find. Hence JAWS. HALLOWEEN. Scary kids rhymes.

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