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Chevalier 12-29-2015 10:23 PM

Short Fiction Recommedations
I work a lot. That statement is an understatement, I'm always working. I really don't have time to crack open a novel, and read. The last few books I've tried to read have been left half read, because my progress was so slow I lost interest.

I'm looking for shorter literature forms to keep myself reading. What are the best horror short stories, poetry, etc that I can read during breaks and while I'm eating?

Dead Bad Things 12-31-2015 01:49 PM

Here's a few I've really enjoyed readin'.....

Ellen Datlow: The Best Horror of the Year (volumes 1,2,3,& 4)
:After Nineteen Stories of Apocalypse and Dystopia

Stephen Jones: A Book of Horrors
: Zombie Apocalypse

Christopher Golden: The New Dead

J.N. Larsen: Z: Zombie Stories

Lori Perkins: Hungry for Your Love an Anthology of Zombie Romance

Jake.Ashworth 12-31-2015 01:52 PM

I second A Book of Horrors, I just wrapped it up a week ago and it was legit.

sfear 12-31-2015 09:32 PM

"The Horror At Martin's Beach" by Sonia H. Greene and H.P. Lovecraft
"Nightmare At 20,000 Feet" by Richard Matheson
"Window" by Bob Leman
"The Father-Thing" by Philip K. Dick
"Spider Mansion" by Fritz Leiber

Chevalier 01-02-2016 06:55 PM

Thanks, I will check out all of the ones listed.

Leo9840 02-10-2016 05:43 PM

This is one I thought worth the read: http://www.amazon.com/Quay-Avenue-Br...+avenue+bridge

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