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-   -   I want to sb made feature movie about pact HITLER-ALIENS-USA inter alia with Gremlins (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=66613)

Kasquit 11-17-2015 12:31 PM

I want to sb made feature movie about pact HITLER-ALIENS-USA inter alia with Gremlins
I want to someone do about this feature film.

I want in this movie were gremlins (with the same image as a film 1984, 1990 and 2016), grey aliens, reptilians, nordic aliens, demons and others. :)

I imagine that they did Hitler chosen of universe.

According to these theories that aliens made sure to that Hitler known about the Holy Grail.
They persuaded him to do this.
They supported him technologically during World War II.
They convinced Americans to save Hitler from the besieged Berlin and let him live in Argentina to natural death.

Snowden and Medvedev confirmed the existence of aliens.
Snowden said the pact Hitler-ALIENS-USA it's true.

This show documentaries.

Ancient Aliens - Aliens and the Third Reich:
UFO Files - The Gray's Agenda:
Germans built a base in Antarctica, where allegedly seen UFO.

According to this theory gremlins look like goblins.
They had a pro-Nazi sympathies.

Perhaps gremlins and goblins are the same creatures...
I'm not sure if that. :)

The Nazis wanted to publish the Hobbit in the Third Reich, but anti-rasist Tolkien didn't agree.

Never mind.
I think Hollywood should make movie according to these theories.
I am eager to have occurred gremlins there, the same as in the well known movie.
Through the presence of various horrible creatures and the Second World War should be horror movie and war film.
It is perfect for TV series.
Continuation taking place during the Cold War would happen.
What do you think about this idea for a movie?

Angra 11-21-2015 04:30 PM

Kids, don't do drugs.

Kasquit 11-22-2015 02:05 AM

I think that it is thanks to German technology we have today better movies, computer games, modern weapons, mobile phones, internet and more.

I am a rural pole and I'm not proud of it... :(

Everyone has the right to believe in what wants.

Just wonder what it will say Spielberg...

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