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dunwitch 05-24-2004 12:58 PM

New Lovecraft Doc on DVD
A new Lovecraft documentary that features S.T. Joshi, Neil Gaiman, Brian Lumley , Stuart Gordon, and RAmsey Campbell is finally coming out on DVD..I was fortunate enough to see it at last
years H.P. Lovecraft filmfest and it was worth my ticket to Portland....I'm told the filmmaker wasn't planning on a dvd release but enough of us harassed him into printing up a limited number of copies to see if people would be interested....so check it out here www.hermeticproductions.com

LHPgirl 05-24-2004 01:46 PM

thanks..I had heard a lot about this film...
Now those of us who couldn't afford to fly out to Portland can finally see it...I heard Neil Gaiman is a riot ..
Although its a mother download the trailer is pretty cool..
H.P. is probably my favorite author..Hope someday someone will eventually do a good film adaption set in period of one of his tales..

LHPgirl 05-25-2004 01:41 PM

thanks for the email I ..checked out Nyarlahotep and an Imperfect Solution by Christian Matzke..they are shorts but well done. He's interviewed in Eldritch influence as well?

ULTIMATE POSTER 06-14-2004 08:47 AM

H.P.L. was an excellent author. They should make more movies based on his work.

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