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-   -   Horror make up effects. (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=61112)

Zombazz 06-09-2012 01:59 PM

Horror make up effects.
Ever since I started watching the horror genre of film, I have been fascinated with the make up effects used to create monsters, wounds, dead bodies etc. I decided to start trying some ideas myself.
Best ever reaction I've gotten was when I did this on a friend at University:https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net...85622246_n.jpg
I didn't do it to a high standard because I was only having a practise on her, but we took a walk around campus, got into a lift and waited. A guy got in and saw the normal side of her face without the mask, but when she turned to look at him, he actually backed into a corner and asked what the HELL she had done to her face.
It made me proud that I scared even 1 person.
I'm going to keep practising and will keep posting and viewing on here as well :)

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