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-   -   A tale of Two sisters. (K-horror) (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=58374)

MsLobotomy 07-30-2011 04:52 PM

A tale of Two sisters. (K-horror)
Anyone ever see this?

It's one of the best movie I have ever seen, imo.
I cried, I smiled, I "WTF!?"ed, and I ever cringed and squirmed.

"Two sisters who, after spending time in a mental institution, return to the home of their father and cruel stepmother. Once there, in addition to dealing with their stepmother's obsessive and unbalanced ways, an interfering ghost also affects their recovery." - IMDb

Trailer, for anyone who'd like to view it.

TheWickerFan 07-31-2011 01:40 AM

Yes, I've seen it. I'd give it thumbs up despite the twist that nearly destroyed the film for me.

kelvecion 07-31-2011 07:23 AM

I've seen it. Sumptuous and sublimely scary. I bought into the twist okay, more so after a second viewing. Recommended.

Fearonsarms 08-03-2011 06:16 AM

I saw this not long after it came out-I think it's one I should definitely give a second viewing to.

leezuki 08-03-2011 12:52 PM

very good movie, i had to watch it few times to understand the ending, i'm a bit slow that way :confused: lol

metternich1815 06-24-2013 11:09 AM

I really loved this film. It was very effectively made with a brilliant fusion of suspense and scares. The setting was both beautiful and very eerie. The performances, especially by the sisters were really good. The film is definitely a very different perspective on the Asian ghost sub-genre. Additionally, it was one of the only films that I expressed myself vocally (screamed). Ultimately, I think it is one of the best Asian films ever made!

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