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re93animator 02-23-2009 06:54 PM

Kalifornia Review
First off, it is Kalifornia; and it is a shame that this film is considered merely mediocre. It is certainly a film of tremendous power and certainly an above average picture. An ultimately frightening psychological thriller that keeps the viewer on the edge of his/her seat; especially in the final 30 minutes.
One of the most powerful casts of characters all acted to perfection by its leading actors make Kalifornia a picture to be reckoned with. The feeling of the film is extremely convincing and unquestionably realistic. The impressive lighting of the film unites with the creative and abrasive set pieces to conjure up an authentically gritty setting with a morbidly deranged aura.

Brian (played by David Duchovny) and his girlfriend, Carrie (played by Michelle Forbes) head out on a trip to California where they peruse to research the locations of infamous killings in search of material for a book on serial killers that Brian is in the process of writing. Brian is desperately struggling to find out what drives a human being to kill; to research what goes on in the mind of a serial killer and find out a motive for seemingly senseless killings.
They share a ride with an irksome and mysterious couple that they hardly know; Early Grace (played by Brad Pitt) and his girlfriend Adele (played by Juliette Lewis) are seemingly kind, friendly people at first, yet turn out to be a crazed couple of serial killers on the run from the law. As the film goes on, the danger becomes apparent.
The acting in the film is top-notch. Brad Pitt, David Duchovny, Juliette Lewis and Michelle Forbes are all at the top of their game. Brad Pitt creates one of the most unique and utterly terrifying horror villains to grace a screen. Juliette Lewis’s performance is very convincing as well.
Overall, the film deserves much more credit than it currently receives. It starts off a bit slow, yet eventually becomes a truly harrowing, believable and tout killer picture that means serious business. I picked this up not expecting much from a blind buy, and was more than delighted by the ferociousness of it; a great movie.

Anyone else enjoy this or have an opinion on it?

scouse mac 02-23-2009 11:49 PM

This is a good film but I dont rate it as highly as you seem to.

Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis were both very good but I thought the other two leads (Duchovny and Forbes) were average at best.

Its been a while since I last saw it so maybe I'll revisit it in the near future.

The_Return 02-24-2009 03:58 AM

I'm kind of with Scouse on this...very good movie, but I didn't think it was as good as your review makes it sound.

Pitt makes a damn good psychopath - I'd rather watch him in this or 12 Monkeys than Benjamin Button any day.

newb 02-24-2009 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by scouse mac (Post 790861)

Its been a while since I last saw it so maybe I'll revisit it in the near future.


good review though

Elvis_Christ 02-25-2009 02:56 PM

Cool review. This film is awesome. Loved it when I was a teenager. It does deserve more credit than it recieves. I guess it gets overshadowed by Se7en.

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