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cheebacheeba 01-09-2004 04:52 PM

You know what I miss?
I dunno, sometime after the early 90's they just dissapeared, I'm talking shows like the twilight zone, tales from the crypt, and the oldskool, way better "outer Limits", and movies like Creepshow/Freakshow....
I know I've missed a few on the small list, but I KNOW there was no shortage of 'em....they might've been ridiculous at times, some of 'em mighta sucked, but goddamn it, I kinda grew up through the 80's watching these, and they were always great fun....so, what the fuck happened????
Where are my half hour long, poorly acted horror shows?!?
Does this bother anyone else?

Ritualistic 01-09-2004 05:04 PM

oh you are not alone on this.. I miss them too.. I really miss Tales from the Darkside and Monsters... every week I would wait for them to come on.. But then Tales from the Darkside moved to this othe channel and only came on late at night, so then I would have to stay up.. no biggie to me though.. when I was younger I lived for this stuff.. Why cant they just make a new series for us horror fans to watch.. guess they will do this with the horror channel, huh..

cheebacheeba 01-09-2004 05:06 PM


crazy clown 01-09-2004 05:38 PM

i desperately miss tales from the crypt, i wish that it still came on scifi. they need to make a tales from the crypt dvd boxed set.

bloodrayne 01-09-2004 06:03 PM

What about "Freddy's Nightmares"? I loved those...and Why did the "Friday the Thirteenth" series last so long while the others disappeared?...Tales from the Darkside and Monsters were WAY better...:mad:

Digital Murders 01-09-2004 06:43 PM

Ever heard of the Sci-Fi Channel?

If you kids are still up after 12, they show all those old ass shows, but by that time I'm to stoned to pay attention anyway.

Mud Mutt 01-09-2004 06:53 PM

I use to LOVE "Tales from the Crypt", and the old episodes of the "Twilight Zone" and the "Outer Limits". Now all that is left is stupid "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" that show sucks. Then CBS came up with "Wolf Lake" now that show was cool to bad they canceled it. Dumb asses.

billbundix 01-09-2004 07:10 PM

one of the major networks is about to start airing some weekly horror show that has stephen kings name attached to it. dont know if it will be any good or not, though.

cheebacheeba 01-09-2004 09:47 PM

The last series I saw that was kinda like in the same ballpark, a bit higher a scifi to horror ratio in it, was called "Freakylinks"...anyone see that?
Still, all the same, when the fuck did these excellent horror-themed shows become NOT a good thing?!?
Also, while on the topic of TV in general, I watched what I thought was a great show a few years ago called "The Nowhere Man"....they stopped showing it here (for some dumbass reason) after about 5 episodes...can anyone fill me in on how the series ended???

predfan 01-09-2004 10:33 PM

i saw a few episodes of tales from the crypt THE CARTOON on pay-tv on cartoon network five or so months ago

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