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hugonian 12-06-2006 11:06 PM

Potter's Field 2 Submission Guidelines and Tips
Potter's Field 2 Submission Guidelines and Tips

For all you writers out there, Potter's Field 2--an anthology themed around a specific type of graveyard--is now taking submissions.

* Editors: Cathy Buburuz and Tyree Campbell
* Publisher: Sam's Dot Publishing
* Deadline: When filled
* Pub Date: 1 October 2007
* Theme: Stories must be set in a burial place for the indigent and the unidentified
* Word Count: 2k - 8k
* Manuscript Format: Custom; read guidelines
* Pay: $10 and one contributor copy upon publication

For detailed information, read the contributor guidelines.

Contributor's Note: Editor Cathy Buburuz has accepted my submission, "King of the Mountain of Corpses," set in a body dump where killers leave their victims. The style is very dark and ornate, which is one reason Ms. Buburuz accepted the story, as noted in the acceptance letter: "[The story] boasts both a unique writing style and a sort of poetic morbidity." So she enjoys unique styles. For a better idea of what she liked about my particular style, check out the sample chapters of my zombie/vampire novel, Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines, as it is written in the same fashion as the accepted story.

Contributor's Tip: Ms. Buburuz says, "I need great writers. Spread the word, please. If you have friends who write, invite them to submit, too. I'm wide open to entertaining, well written stories." To build rapport with Ms. Buburuz, you might spread the word about the anthology on different forums and then mention these endeavors in your cover letter. While it won't get your story accepted, it will show your ambition and your excitement for the project.

Report Back: If you submit, please report the editors' feedback here to inform fellow writers: tell us why they accepted or rejected your story, and any other relevant information.

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