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HappyCamper 12-20-2003 06:20 AM

best vampire books
just wondering what everybody thinks are the best 'vampire' books out there, whether they be novels,true crime, or informational...

i have that huge ass book...on vampires..can't remember the guys name...but it has a candlabra on the cover, with one candle dripping blood...it's an awesome vampire book...

avenger00soul 12-20-2003 06:26 AM

My favorite vamp books are They Thirst by McCammon and Salem's Lot by King. Actually, They Thirst is one of my favorite books period.

dmihatmttl 12-20-2003 08:59 AM

Favorite Vampire Books
I'll definitely agree with THEY THIRST and SALEM'S LOT.

A few more suggestions: BLOOD KIN by Ronald Kelly, LIVE GIRLS and LOT LIZARDS by Ray Garton, and MIDNIGHT MASS by F. Paul Wilson (it's not out yet, but I've read the original novella upon which the upcoming novel is based, and it was a lot of fun).

My favorites of all time, though: THE CHILDREN'S HOUR by Douglass Clegg and THE SUMMONING by Bentley Little. Goddamn, but those are two scary-ass novels . . . trust me, you *must* read these if you're looking for vampire fiction that does much more with this sub-genre than what's been done a thousand times already . . . .


avenger00soul 12-20-2003 09:43 AM

dmihatmttl is the horror book guru on here. If he says it's good, it's worth checking out.

dmihatmttl 12-20-2003 12:47 PM

Awww . . . thanks, buddy. ;)


FangoFan 12-20-2003 09:03 PM

My favorite vampire book is a classic, Stephen King's Salem's Lot.
I also like the Necroscope series by Brian Lumley.

FangoFan 12-20-2003 09:09 PM


Originally posted by avenger00soul
dmihatmttl is the horror book guru on here. If he says it's good, it's worth checking out.
I'm not in competition but I read alot of horror as well.

I'm always working on a book, and all I read is horror (well some non fiction).

I watch alot of horror movies, but I definitly know more about books.

Dr.Kelvinstein 12-21-2003 12:17 AM

I like Vampire Junction a whole lot. Les Daniels Don Sebastion series is a nice little homage to Hammer. Anno Dracula is good, but my all-time fave has got to be Skipp and Spector's Light ar the End!!!!!!!

MuzikQueen79 12-21-2003 07:08 PM

Right now my favorite vampire book would be Lost Souls by: Poppy Z. Brite. And always Anne Rice's Interview with the vampire.

There are so many books i want right now but i have no money to get, otherwise there would be alot more books on here that i would write down as my favorites.

Aylmer 12-22-2003 06:04 AM

Anyone read the "Book of Nod" great poetry and art work!

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