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bwind22 06-24-2005 01:58 PM

George A. Romero's Land of the Dead
Well I decided that since it's officially here... Land of the Dead deserved it's own thread in the Moder Horror Section now. And since I went and saw the earliest possible showing of it, I may as well be the one to do it....

CAUTION ---- LOTD discussion ahead!!! If you haven't seen it and don't want to know about it, don't continue reading!!!

So........... What did everyone think?

Personally, I went in not to high on the idea of the zombies evolving and I left sort of feeling the same way. Romero made another kickass zombie film but I didn't think it was anywhere near as groundbreaking as Night or Dawn. Of course those are very hard to match, and it was still a pretty kick ass film in it's own right. I'll have to watch a couple more times before developing anything more solid than this opinion...

It was good, but not as great as I was hoping. I'd give it a B+.

For reference, I'd give Night an A+, Dawn an A+, and Day an A-, so it was my least favorite of his Dead Series (Hey! It's not a trilogy any more!) but still definately worth seeing/renting/owning!

Something about the main zombie's (The big black bald guy) facial makeup never really quite looked right to me and that sort of bothered me too.

hollywoodgothiq 06-24-2005 03:32 PM

Well, after waiting twenty years for this film, it's hard not to be a little bit disapointed. Still, there was so much good in the film, it's worth seeing again. Only time will tell whether the problematic elements grown on you or just become more annoying.

The film went down very well with the audience I saw it with. Some people mumbled nitpicks on the way out, but lots were screaming during the actual film.

READ MORE HERE: http://hollywoodgothique.bravejournal.com/entry/12396

massacre man 06-24-2005 05:55 PM

i think Robert Joy was the best actor on Land

HappyCamper 06-24-2005 06:11 PM

SPOILER AHEAD...well sort of..
Well I just got home from seeing 'Land of the Dead' and I thought the movie was fucking awesome!

I will have to agree however that it can't compare with NOTLD, or Dawn.

Really the only thing I didn't like was the fact that the zombies have evolved, although I can see why Romero did it.

I did like the fact, that he left it open for a sequel. Romero has even said that if he is given the chance that he may do at least one more film. I for one sure hope that he is given that chance.

massacre man 06-24-2005 06:12 PM

Re: SPOILER AHEAD...well sort of..

Originally posted by HappyCamper
Well I just got home from seeing 'Land of the Dead' and I thought the movie was fucking awesome!

I will have to agree however that it can't compare with NOTLD, or Dawn.

Really the only thing I didn't like was the fact that the zombies have evolved, although I can see why Romero did it.

I did like the fact, that he left it open for a sequel. Romero has even said that if he is given the chance that he may do at least one more film. I for one sure hope that he is given that chance.

he said he would make Land of the Dead into another trilogy about the same characters

HappyCamper 06-24-2005 06:29 PM

Re: Re: SPOILER AHEAD...well sort of..

Originally posted by massacre man
he said he would make Land of the Dead into another trilogy about the same characters
Yeah you're right he did say that. And I sure as hell hope that he is given the chance too.

I fucking love zombie movies!

BH14 06-24-2005 07:50 PM

Is it better than the re-make of Dawn of the Dead and 28 Days Later?? If its up there with those movies, then its worth a look.

MoonLit Meadow 06-24-2005 08:56 PM

I just got back too...I thought it was entertaining, but definately not "Romero's Masterpiece" as some critics were calling it. It had its moments, but it wasn't truly scary or over the top gory in my opinion. Decent acting...decent makeup....it was decent ;)

HappyCamper 06-24-2005 09:26 PM

I will still purchase this movie when it comes out on dvd. It's definitely entertaining, but Dawn and NOTLD are better.

barbra 06-24-2005 10:08 PM

im lazy

Originally posted by barbra
land of the dead

I was hoping for more exploding heads and gore. I liked the movie but Im still not sure how I feel about it. I think I need to go see it again.

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