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ChEEbA 01-28-2005 06:10 AM

Ok, so I'm currently playing my way through an emulated version of the GBA title "Mario vs DonkeyKong"...as I had suspected and hoped, it is more or less a sequel to the brilliant version of "donkeykong" that came out way back when on the original gameboy.
This had all the things that I consider to make a good sequel.
Updated graphics, new items/powerups and traps, new elements in gameplay, a "new" storyline to pit todays post SNES versions of Mario and DonkeyKong against eachother, all the while keeping the style, and "feel" of the original. Its nice to play, noticing the little improvements here and there, while feeling the reminiscence of all the elements that made the original great.

So...there's a few types of sequels out there...

The simple sequels are like the one I mentioned above, the difference between Doom 1&2, commander Keen, The Crash games, a lot of sports games (not that I play 'em), the tekken games you get the idea,steady progress and not too much time between 'em usually, they come out within a year or two of the original. MOST if these are the more successfull sequels IMO.

There's the "evolution" kinda sequels, usually SOME time between them...
EG: Mario 64..etc, Zelda multi platform sequels, Soul Blade to Soul Calibur, Halflife 2, Warcraft 3, Metroid Prime, The latest Leisure Suit Larry, Doom 3...some of the work, some sadly do not-
*cough*fade to black*cough*

Then there's the sequels that feel more like add-ons/expansions:
Max Payne 2, The Jedi Knight sequels...to me, these kind are good for the fans, but usually a let-down on the whole as a standalone game due to lack of innovation.

Then there's the spin-offs
C&C Renegade, Munchs Odyssey, Contract JACK, WarioLand...
Again, somE good, some bad, some completely different.


*What elements do YOU think make a worthwhile sequel
*From the abovementioned "types", whats your favourite kind of sequel?
*Name 3 game sequels you've enjoyed.
*Name 3 games that SHOULD have sequels.

My answers
*Read the top of the thead...
*Probably a toss up between the simple and evolution types
1- Star Trek Elite Force 2
2- Soul Calibur
3- Thus far, "Mario vs Donkey Kong" is pretty fun
1- I'd love a next generation sequel to Streets of Rage
2- Sam & Max (?rumoured?)
3- A BETTER sequel to zombies ate my neighbours

- B.

ChEEbA 01-28-2005 03:59 PM

C'mon you bastards...post...

Sedated_replica 01-28-2005 06:58 PM

sorry man, that's too long to read

ChEEbA 01-28-2005 07:09 PM

My invitation stands for any REAL gamers out there...

Sedated_replica 01-28-2005 09:45 PM

there was a squel to zombies ate my neighbors?

ChEEbA 01-29-2005 12:22 AM

Kind of...it was on SNES, called "Ghoul Patrol", but it was nowhere near as cool as the first one...

Sedated_replica 01-29-2005 02:29 PM

is they're a rom of this game anywhere?

ChEEbA 01-29-2005 05:47 PM

PM me, I might be able to help you out.

Also.....hey, anyone out there wanna talk about videogame sequels???

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