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jay o2 waster 11-27-2004 09:15 PM

I am officially done with horror dot com

I doubt that I will be coming back, due to the fact that there is barley anything horror related to talk about. So I will be saying my final goodbyes....

Sam the Egg
Freddy Kruger
last bad move
Stingy Jack

Anybody else that i may have forgotton I really am sorry.

You see, over the past 8 months I have spent more than half of my internet time on this site, I have made great friends. For a time it felt like this was my second family. But now we are just a bunch of fucking whiny ass bitches balling about getting banned, and fucking up the site for everybody. Sis, I really would like you to just chill, maybe you were unrightfuly banned, but so what. Shit happens, maybe you forgot why you probably came to this site in the first place. Horror, we all have a common bond here and nothing should be able to break it. But jesus christ, I question the reasons that you are doing this, is there really anything that you are getting out of it? Because when everything is said and done and you turn your computer off for the night, it doesn't matter. You aren't gaining anything from what you had done to an websites forum. It was all a waste of time. All this time you could have been chatting about movies and doing something that is productive, but instead you have to fuck it up for everyone. And from what I can tell, this is what you have done. Well I seem to be babbling on and on.

I am not saying that i will NEVER come back, becuse you should never say never, but unless this site can get bak on track, it is not likley.

Thanks or the great conversations, and the even greater friendships. PM me if you would like to stay in contact with me and I will give you my email and aim and info on what other forums i might be on.

Greatest Regards,
Jay o2 waster

Last words: I'm sorry i was such a postwhore.

Cheeba V2.0 11-27-2004 09:24 PM

Well...cya for now Jay.
I get where you're coming from with this. I don't know or care who this sis person is, but your statements were pretty much indicative of all that's been going on here lately, which is why I've not been bothered posting, but hey....like I said before, you could always go have a look at scaredyet.net if you've had it with this place for a bit...
Anyways, if you wanna hit me up, I'm on [email protected]
that's email AND messenger.
I'll hear from ya.

- B

FairyKorpes 11-27-2004 09:39 PM


Edit: This is the general forum. Everywhere else is horror. Just don't come here, general meaning here lol.

wufong 11-27-2004 09:42 PM

good bye jay, you was always my fav little homo. and that good bye is about to make me cry.

FreddyC.Krueger 11-27-2004 09:43 PM

Wow, I'm pretty high on that list! :)

I'm sorry to see you leave, Jay! I hope one day Horror.com will be back in it's Prime. And all the good members shall return. Sigh, that would be great. Sad to see you, another good member, bite the dust. Hopefully you'll return soon.

Ta ta for now my friend. You'll be missed.

wufong 11-27-2004 09:43 PM

*sniffle* yup im gonna cry for sure

wufong 11-27-2004 09:44 PM

i can feel the tears welling up now

wufong 11-27-2004 09:45 PM

here it comes.... ugh nope the feeling went away

FreddyC.Krueger 11-27-2004 09:45 PM

My God, you're such a post whore! :D

wufong 11-27-2004 09:46 PM

awww well looks like there are no tears for you.

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