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deadandgone 08-03-2004 08:50 AM

the grudge
has anybody seen the grudge i just wanted to know if its worth a watch

MrShape 08-05-2004 10:19 AM

Seen all four of 'em. They're interesting. Each one tells five stories of how people meet their end at the hands of the curse. They're well made, but they don't really seem to go anywhere. I found myself enjoying them, but most people probably won't.

deadandgone 08-05-2004 10:23 AM

thanks man im gonna go watch them now

TrueFan 08-05-2004 10:27 AM

Ju-on (The Grudge) and Ju-on 2, which is not really a sequal, but rather a remake with a bigger budget. The rest, I hear get weaker. Pang brothers do great work when givien a bigger budget

deadandgone 08-05-2004 01:19 PM

thanks alot

komi 08-06-2004 02:47 AM

good horror movie
almost omnibus :D

tachii 08-06-2004 01:43 PM

been wanting to watch don't know if its worth it though still might give it a chance

Vleeshaak 08-07-2004 05:49 AM

Ju-On:the Grudge is a must see for those who like Asian Horror. It`s not all that original, but it`s creepy and scary.

deadandgone 08-07-2004 06:27 AM

sam raimi said it was the scariest movie hes ever seen thats gotta count for something

Vodstok 11-15-2004 05:51 AM

There was another one on this,but i dont care, it was too fucking long.....

Well, i saw the Grudge this weekend.....and it exemplifies why i stopped watching anime movies a long time ago...

In many cases, japanese writing in films is disjointed, nonlinear, and confusing. Details are left out, and no clues are given to fill them in, they are simply left to accept as truth.

Spolier, dont go further...

A stalker who gets killed by her husband is hardly what i would have expected, and it was quite a letdown. And why did LoneStar kill himself? Granted, i would be a bit screwed up if some nutcase and her kid got killed by her husband because she was stalking me, but that us hardly a cause for suicide.

plenty of the mive tried really hard to be scary, but just didnt pull it off..... Very very much of the "scary" stuff was stolen directly from Ringu. (there was even a scene stolen from Demon Knight, which was the freakiest thing in the movie). And why did the ghost burp? Eeek! it has gas! I guess farting was just a little too funny, but loud, long belches are terrifying :rolleyes:

A coworker saw this before me and said it was pretty good and his wife was scared tyhrough the whole thing... Maybe i am too jaded by the other movies i have seen, and many i watch on a regular basis, but i thought the grudge sucked.

And what the hell is the point of the title? The Ring was a bit esoteric, but it made sense...who has a grudge? a grudge against what? if it was a grudge, it is awfully indiscrimiate. grudges are usually towards a particular person or group. And dont say "the living", because that would make it even morelame....

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