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horror_master 11-09-2004 10:18 AM

Classic Horror movies box sets
I have notice lately like Zellars Wal-marts and other stores like that they been geting allot of classic horror flims in there. Like two for one type deals, also I have seen a set of 50 count them, 50 classical horror ian set. It was about $45.95 Canadian, I didn't buy since I didn't have the money at the tiome. Have anyone else notice an si milar trend at anyothers stores?

tic 11-09-2004 11:15 AM

in the uk, virgin are selling a number of classic films - cannibal holocaust, zombie flesh eaters 1 & 2, the beyond, toolbox murders, drive in massacre, the slayer for £5, amongst many others. I have also seen hammer box sets around.

The_Return 11-09-2004 11:34 AM

I bought a set of three horror movies at Zellers for $10

Sure, they arent anything amazing, but worth watching: Teenage Zombies, The Blob, and Horror Express

urgeok 11-09-2004 11:46 AM

i'm finding (and buying) all kinds of box sets of old oddball horrors that have anywhere from 4 to 20 movies.
There is some repetition (Carnival of souls, house on haunted hill) which means that they are probably public domain ...
Some of the movies are so bad its unbelievable but i find the odd gem too ..
The old classic b&w films were about 70 minutes so thay have no problem fitting 2 or more on each disc.

BIG MEAT EATER 11-09-2004 11:57 AM

"Carnival Of Souls" classic stuff!

horror_master 11-09-2004 12:04 PM

I yeah know watch mean, some the stuff I got for my brithday set, were pretty bad done, but good in some parts, actually some 0of the older movies can be better the ones now or days.

allmykids 11-09-2004 08:17 PM

Yes there has been alot latley. Got some at walgreens!!

horror_master 11-10-2004 02:03 PM

Cool. I got mine form mainly Zellars and Wal-Mart types stores:)

Horrorfiend 11-10-2004 08:07 PM

I had the Universal Monster set with Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Wolf Man. I sold it though when I ran out of booze money. A decision I deeply regret.

horror_master 11-19-2004 06:36 PM


Originally posted by Horrorfiend
I had the Universal Monster set with Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Wolf Man. I sold it though when I ran out of booze money. A decision I deeply regret.
That kinda sucks in some many ways.

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