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dockerslund 11-02-2003 12:57 PM

A few things I didn't understand, regarding Ringu
I just saw The Ring (the Japanese version).
There's a couple of things, which I didn't understand.

1. The phone didn't ring, when the guy saw the film.

2. When they look at the footage, with the dead people in the car...how could Sadako get them. They weren't near a TV.

dmihatmttl 11-02-2003 02:50 PM

Here's my take on it:

1-) If I'm not mistaken, didn't the lead character (the female reporter) walk outside while her ex watched the video? I believe the viewer is "with" her when she does this . . . the male then acts as if the video did not bother him in the least. Who's to say he wasn't lying, that the phone didn't ring inside the house but he's in "denial" that the legend is real? I could be confusing the American remake with the original on this one, but I'm pretty sure this scene was almost exactly the same in the original. I always figured that just because you (the viewer) didn't *hear* the phone ring did not mean it didn't happen.

I'm not 100% sure on that one, but there's my $.02 for what it's worth. As for your second question, that one's easy . . . .

2-) It doesn't matter whether you are near a TV or not. Sadako will get you when your 7 days is up. Doesn't matter where you are. You can't run. You can't hide. You're still gonna die of fright at the hands of Sadako.

Hope this helps. From a huge fan of both versions,


dockerslund 11-02-2003 03:33 PM

Ok, I see.
I just thought that the only way she could get you, would be by coming out of your TV.

SoUl SuRvIvOrS 11-02-2003 07:12 PM

Seen it yet?

MichaelMyers 11-02-2003 07:20 PM

Kind of off-topic, but it's amazing how many people don't know there's a Japanese version to this film, and have this dumbstruck look when you tell them there is one (that's better than the US version, IMO) . "You mean they make movies in Japan, too?" :)

SoUl SuRvIvOrS 11-02-2003 07:22 PM

heheheh...I MUST AGREE....Some people are very close minded and dont even realize it.

mictlan 11-02-2003 07:44 PM

Regarding question 2, one of the fiends on the Ring forum once said that in the books, Sadako could come out of any reflective surface. A few of the Ring forum members took the time to translate the manga AND scanned it. It's worth checking out.

Ringu was great - but Dark Water (same director and writer) was even better, IMHO. I think that the Dreamworks Ring borrowed a lot from that film too.

I'm curious about Ring 2, would like to see it.

]checking out.[/URL]

avenger00soul 11-03-2003 06:12 AM


Originally posted by mictlan
Regarding question 2, one of the fiends on the Ring forum once said that in the books, Sadako could come out of any reflective surface. A few of the Ring forum members took the time to translate the manga AND scanned it. It's worth checking out.

Ringu was great - but Dark Water (same director and writer) was even better, IMHO. I think that the Dreamworks Ring borrowed a lot from that film too.

I'm curious about Ring 2, would like to see it.

]checking out.[/URL]

Ring 2 is being Americanized, as well as Dark Water.

As far as people not knowing about Ringu, you can't really blame them. I mean, it's hard to find those movies here to rent. You can buy them all, but what average movie-goer is going to do that. I'm used to people's reactions when I tell them The Ring was a remake, but I understand why they think that way.

moonsorrow 11-03-2003 06:24 AM


Originally posted by MichaelMyers
Kind of off-topic, but it's amazing how many people don't know there's a Japanese version to this film, and have this dumbstruck look when you tell them there is one (that's better than the US version, IMO) . "You mean they make movies in Japan, too?" :)
iv always known it exists but never seen it, i do however hear thats its 10 times creepyer then the ring...is that true? i have to see it in that case, cause the ring freaked me out.

dmihatmttl 11-03-2003 06:57 AM

Definitely check it out if you can find it, Moonsorrow. It's fantastic. The first movie to keep me awake at night since I was 7 or 8 years old! No shit . . . .

To be perfectly honest, I think I liked both the Japanese original and the American remake equally. Or at least damn close to equally. But the original holds a special place in my heart because I'd been searching for it for a while (like yourself) before I finally got to see a horrible (quality-wise) bootleg version. The chase is better than the catch, as they say. :)

Great films, both of them. Both have an atmosphere of sheer unease that other horror films of today should aspire to. And as for the remake, *that* is the way you do a remake, by God! With respect for the original, and reverence for what made its scares work in the first place . . . .

All my opinion, of course. Thanks for listening.


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