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DeadbeatAtDawn 11-11-2018 08:55 AM

George Romero Made a Movie You’ve Never Seen!

Hardcore fans of George A. Romero may be aware that between Season of the Witch and The Crazies, Romero shot a 60-minute film titled The Amusement Park, made in 1973 but largely unseen to this day. Billed as a “PSA on age discrimination,” the film was apparently shot for TV but never actually released, and it’s making waves on Twitter this weekend.

NY Times best-selling author Daniel Kraus (Trollhunters, The Shape of Water, The Living Dead) announced on Twitter tonight that he was watching the “virtually unseen” Romero movie, which he’s been seeking out for the past 20 years. In a multi-tweet thread, Kraus subsequently called the film “a revelation,” as well as “Romero’s most overtly horrifying film.”

“The people who funded it wouldn’t allow it. And no wonder. It’s hellish. In Romero’s long career of criticizing American institutions, never was he so merciless,” Kraus continued. “Where can you see this savage masterwork? You can’t. But I’m dedicating myself to changing that. Can you help? Yes, probably. Give me some time to figure out what’s what.”

He added, “This is truly one of those magical (cursed?) objects that I cannot believe has fallen through the cinematic cracks. We’ll drag it back.”

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As you may recall, the late George Romero’s wife Suzanne Desrocher-Romero had teased earlier this year that a film Romero shot in 1973 was going to be restored and released for all to see, which we now know to be The Amusement Park. She had mentioned last month, “We’re gonna restore it, and we’re gonna show it to Romero cinephiles. It’s a scary movie, but it’s not a horror movie, and it’s about ageism. Anyway, he has a cameo in it, and it’ll be fun. And we’ll show the movie, or get it distributed. It’ll be a project that the foundation’s gonna do.”

In The Amusement Park…

“An elderly gentlemen sets out for what he thinks will be a normal day at an amusement park and is soon embroiled in a waking nightmare the likes of which you’ve never seen.”

Check out Kraus’s complete Twitter thread below. And if you want to help The George Romero Foundation fund the film’s restoration, head over to the foundation’s website.

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Bloof 11-12-2018 04:23 AM

Very interesting. If they think they can do this now...I wonder why he couldnt do it when he was alive. I understand the people who funded it didnt want it released but now they will? Things of course haved changed since '73 still though, why not when he was alive?

Creature 10-05-2019 08:40 PM

I've not heard of this until now.

A lost Romero film, with horrific elements and social commentary . . . I am intrigued!

ChrisC 09-03-2020 06:42 AM

You should be intrigued. That movie was good.
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LucilleM 09-03-2020 06:56 AM

Checked it after I saw this comment. I would say it's not bad at all.
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diplo777 09-03-2020 08:19 AM

This was one of the scary movies I watched.

NightOfTheLiving_Sam 09-09-2020 06:02 PM

Wow! I'm glad I came across this! Thanks for posting this thread!

pickenschristopher1 08-30-2021 04:39 AM

I never knew this one existed.

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