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noctuary 05-09-2006 06:28 AM

16-bit Appreciation Thread
As I get older, I find myself being drawn more and more back to the old 16-bit games of SNES and Genesis. These were the days when the companies actually cared about GAMEPLAY. The focus is entirely on graphics now, and gameplay/story is often sadly lacking. So this is a thread for all of you old gamers to reminisce about the glory days of 16-bit. So many classic games in those days, like:

Final Fantasy VI: Still the best RPG ever. An entire cast of loveable, unique characters, and an extremely fun battle system. Not to mention the most sinister, evil villain in any video game. What makes this game so much better than any other RPG is this: You're fighting to save the world, and you fail. Kefka destroys everything, and it's up to you to pick up the pieces and try to save what's left. They'd never do that in a current-gen game.

Super Mario World: the pinnacle of 2D platforming. Every Mario game since then has been a pale shadow of this one.

Secret of Mana: The first action-RPG, a truly revolutionary game. Easy enough for the most rank novice, but challenging enough to provide many hours of entertainment to the most experienced gamer.

Okay, your turn. Share your favorite old games with us, and tell us what you think makes them so great.

doctor satan 05-09-2006 07:25 AM

Got meself a Sony psp & i've got a Snes & a NeoGeo emulator on it. Enjoy playing those more than the PSP games, streetfighter 2, Mario kart, metroid.

The_Return 05-09-2006 09:37 AM

Re: 16-bit Appreciation Thread

Originally posted by noctuary
So this is a thread for all of you old gamers to reminisce about the glory days of 16-bit. So many classic games in those days
Hey now, dont just single out the "old gamers". Surprisingly enough, some of us kids like 16-bit games too.

Ive actually hardly ever played Super NES, but I was obsessed with Genesis as a kid. We had 2 systems at that time, 8-bit NES and Genesis. I'll admit that I enjoyed the NES alot more, but I still had alot of fun with the Genesis. We had [and still do have] quite a few games for it, and I be pretty hard pressed to choose a favourite. I always played Ristar alot, very fun side-scrolling action game. The opening title went something like this:

" In a far off galaxy... An evil alien force is at work. The evil tyrant Greedo has captured the planet leaders and enslaved the population. Even the legendary hero has been captured. A desperate plea for help is made, and answered, by the hero's own son...."

The Ristar logo flashes onto the screen with the start menu, letting you begin your quest.

I had that little story from the first memorized as a kid...Im not 100% if I still got it exactly right, but I know it's close. I played this game constantly, but to this day I never beat it. I played it for the first time in years a few months ago, and though it may look like a kiddy game, it's actually fairly difficult. The gameplay is great, the bosses are very cool, I still get the music stuck in my head...one of my favourite video games of all-time. Supposedly you can win it on the Sega Mega-Collection for Gamecube, I really need to pick that up.




Wow...now I need to go hook up the ol' Genesis, Im feeling really nostalgic.

The_Return 05-09-2006 10:36 AM

Oh, a classic one that I always liked was Maximum Carnage. Great Spider-Man/Venom game...really fun, great story, very challenging, lots of allies and villains...classic game, I loved it.





Dont even try to prentend that isnt damn cool.

The_Return 05-09-2006 12:20 PM

Ok, I promise this is my last one;)

We had this crazy little game based on a Disney cartoon called Bonkers. You were trying to catch 4 villains by playing different mini-games. One of them had you trowing bricks at the bad guy, ultimatly building a wall to trap him, one had you pushing around boxes, another had you chasing the bad guy around trying to run him off the road. I know there was a 4th game, but I cant remember it for the life of me. It was all pretty simple, but alot of fun.




cheebacheeba 05-10-2006 09:18 AM

Flashback is one of the finest games in history.
Other favourites:
Zombies ate my neighbours
Shining force
Streets of Rage series
faery tale adventure
Desert, Jungle & Urban strike
Midnight resistance
Zero Tolerance
Cannon Fodder

noctuary 05-10-2006 04:40 PM

Oh man, I forgot all about Streets of Rage and Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I remember my friends and I would stay up until all hours trying to get to the last level in ZAMN. If I recall correctly, there were about fifty of them, and the later ones got extremely difficult. I wish they would make a port of that game, however unlikely that is. Keep the nostalgia coming, guys!

cheebacheeba 05-10-2006 05:00 PM

I also really liked the 16-bit Ghostbusters game (not to be confused with the completely crappy 8-bit version), the golden axe series was always pretty fun, Shinobi 3 & 4 (aka revenge of shinobi & shadow dancer) were both great, and I seem to recall a flintstones game that was pretty cool.
James Pond was a bit of fun, and earthworn Jim is one if the best platformers ever.

Still...absolute favourite - gotta go with Flashback.

The_Return 05-10-2006 05:07 PM

My goal for tomorrow is to set up the old Genesis. I found the box of games, we have some damn good ones:

- Spiderman/X-Men: Arcade's Revenge
- Mortal Kombat 2 + 3
- Sonic the Hedgehog + 2
- Super Street Fighter 2
- Taz in Escape from Mars
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie [why they put that subtitle on a game is beyond me]
- Vectorman
- Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble
- Ristar
- Risk
- Separation Anxiety
- Robocop Vs. The Terminator
- Bonkers
- Maximum Carnage


knife_fight 05-10-2006 06:12 PM

one that I've been itching to play is Kid Chameleon. I also always liked the Golden Axe games a lot. Sonic was pretty cool, too.

I think Genesis had my favorite sports game of all time: Mutant League Football!

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