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stubbornforgey 10-29-2008 12:12 PM

another child abuse case

this child was tortured beyond repair..punched..kicked ..made to sit in a cold bath ..had wrestling moves done on her..spun on a clothesline till she fell off..then finally kicked in the head while adults looked on and laughed as her mother did nothing to protect her child.

monster123 10-29-2008 12:15 PM

This breaks my heart :(. As a mother i couldnt imagine letting anything like this happen to my daughter.

Vodstok 10-30-2008 07:28 AM

"Not Guilty"... If they are the ones that did it, I hope they get beaten several time sin prison before they are shanked in the showers. Both ways...

CrimsonFiend138 11-01-2008 09:47 PM

God damn it, what can you do, I wish I had the super power to tell who was evil and who was not. This makes me sick to my fucking stomach.

Phalanx 11-01-2008 10:01 PM

Yeah...I just put it this way - if you're a complete alco, a drug addict, generally unresponsible, prone to violent outbreaks (whether or not you want to blame it on the all too frequently used crutch of "psychological disorder), or just an asshole...kids are not for you.
If you're a parent, these are the kind of people you should endevour to keep AWAY from your children, even if they happen to be another parent that you made the poor choice of being involved with.
The protection of your child should ALWAYS be a priority that nothing else whatsoever should compare to.

I hope they close this one with the arrest and sentencing of all involved - I'm even disgusted by any onlookers who were present.

Leprucky Cougar 11-01-2008 10:19 PM

Yeah guys I'm with you. That's horrible. Unfortunately some parents whom are in abusive relationships are afraid to throw down their "red flag" because either the spouse may blackmale them or do something far worse to thme than the child--so they decide to "put up and shut up" Then some realize that they're not really in love , just infatuated by whatever the other person can bring them (whether it's good sex, nice car, house, etc) so they confuse this infatuation with love and take all the crap from the person--sometimes if there's a child involved too--that as well. It's pretty sad--that not many push domestic abuse and violence as an issue but it can get extremely serious. Statistics have shown children exposed to seeing it--the males often repeat in their relationships and the female children are prone to it--or sustain it. Very horrible experience...my heart goes out to all of those whom are in or have been in situations like this or any others.

stubbornforgey 11-04-2008 12:47 PM

i was reading an update on this story..

that poor child..she was put in a bloody tumble dryer..
the only good thing about this case is ..the families to these bastards
are all speaking out against thier own kin..
usally the case ..the families protect the fuckers..

DraculaInDallas 11-04-2008 09:51 PM

these assholes that do shit to children like that need to be thoroughly tortured and then 2 to the back of the head :mad:

Vodstok 11-05-2008 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by DraculaInDallas (Post 753671)
these assholes that do shit to children like that need to be thoroughly tortured and then 2 to the back of the head :mad:

Bah, too quick. Guts hot sall around and leave them in the woods covered in cheap maple syrup.

That way you arent wasting any good honey or real syrup, and the animals only care that its sweet.

Between bears, ants, wolves....

And I guess in NZ that would be Wetas and Kiwis. Sorry, i'm not very educated on my indigenous new zealand creatures.

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