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Killer Clown#1 11-15-2003 11:17 AM

Hey does any body read spawn? It's my favorite comic book. I finally got the newest issue last night(129, good read). If you guys don't read Spawn I sugest you start it's one of the best comic books out there:)

avenger00soul 11-15-2003 01:13 PM

I have the first few issues. Actually I have the first few issues of every Image comic at this time cuz they just blowing up. Then the movie came out and the never-ending toyline and I just gave up on it. Image also began discontinuing all of my favorite comics from their line. Bastards.

Killer Clown#1 11-15-2003 04:51 PM

You should really get back into it.:)

VenomX 11-18-2003 09:10 AM

I too used to read Spawn, but then in the late ninties he became one of the most overexposed characters around. Comparable to Wolverine even.

avenger00soul 11-18-2003 11:47 AM


Originally posted by VenomX
I too used to read Spawn, but then in the late ninties he became one of the most overexposed characters around. Comparable to Wolverine even.
No shit, there is a new game coming out called Spawn Armageddon and the trailer says featuring Todd Mcfarlane's Spawn after it says the title of the game. As if we didn't know. WTF?

Killer Clown#1 11-18-2003 12:45 PM

I have been planing on getting the game but does any body know if there are 2 diffirent games because in my x-box magizine they call it Spawn but on the website it's called spawn Armageddon:confused: I hope they are the same game, the pictures look similar to the ones I saw but I don't wan't to be fucked by buying the wrong game.

Arioch 11-19-2003 02:47 AM

You guys ever see the Violator comics? Not the spawn ones he appeared in but his own series. Its only 3 comics long and i ran across them at a flee market once. Its by far the most violent comic ive ever read. Violator has to confront his 4 brothers and kicks some spawn ass aswell. Pretty good stuff.

Ya its a bummer spawn kinda fell off with the movie and such...

baelinfang 11-19-2003 05:43 AM

I know I'll probably get shot or something of the sort for sayin this....but I liked the Spawn movie...and from what I hear, Im the only one. I heard they were planning a second one, idk. *waits for the verbal beat down* But yea i used to read the comics, I just stopped a lil bit after the movie came out.

Arioch 11-19-2003 04:52 PM


waits for the verbal beat down*
Lol, ya it was pretty bad. It wouldv'e kicked ass if it hadnt been rated PG-13:rolleyes: If they kept it true to the comics it wouldve been cool. John Ligwizamo(sp?) saved it.

Killer Clown#1 11-19-2003 05:01 PM


Originally posted by Arioch
Lol, ya it was pretty bad. It wouldv'e kicked ass if it hadnt been rated PG-13:rolleyes: If they kept it true to the comics it wouldve been cool. John Ligwizamo(sp?) saved it.
I own the dvd and it's the r-rated directors cut. On the commentary they explain what they had to cut out to get a pg-13 rating.

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