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darthvonpokemon 07-05-2004 10:06 PM

It would be rude to sneak into a site without first saying'hello' to everyone first. I'm Chris. Damn glad to be here.

Hate_Breeder 07-05-2004 10:30 PM

Hey Chris im Hate_Breeder, welcome to the site. Although you will be bruttaly flamed on this forum at first, please stick around. They mean nothing by it. Its just a little introduction. You will get the occasional.....FUCK YOU NEWB......and stuff like that. Hope you enjoy it here. And hang in there.

darthvonpokemon 07-05-2004 10:36 PM

Thanks, HB (Misfits fan ? Me, too). Already reading the tons of flaming going on here. That's cool. I could puss out and post the same reply a few hundred times to get the newbie tag removed, but what fun would that be ? "That which does not kill me only pisses me off" LOL

Hate_Breeder 07-05-2004 10:47 PM


Originally posted by darthvonpokemon
Thanks, HB (Misfits fan ? Me, too). Already reading the tons of flaming going on here. That's cool. I could puss out and post the same reply a few hundred times to get the newbie tag removed, but what fun would that be ? "That which does not kill me only pisses me off" LOL

Yes huge fucking fiend dude. Whats your favorite song? Mines either Hate Breeders or Bloodfeast, although Day of the Dead is a close 3rd. Yeah i happily earned my 700 something posts. So dont be like all the other new people and post 4 times then never come back. This could be the start of a great friendship.

darthvonpokemon 07-05-2004 10:54 PM

Probably 'All Hell Breaks Loose' or '20 Eyes'. I wore out the 'Walk Among Us' album in high shool. I never got into the "new" Misfits, wrestlers, whatever they are now. I ended up eBaying off all my live bootlegs and rareties over the years after taping them all. The original 'Cough Cool' /w 'She' with the keyboards was awul LOL I'll probably stick around here for a long time.

Hate_Breeder 07-05-2004 11:07 PM

Actually i didnt like the new Misfits for a while. But then they grew on me. Theyre newER stuff is like on some good horror premises like Day of the Dead, Pumpkinhead, From Hell They Came, Scarecrow Man, Lost in Space, American Psycho and so fourth. Actually all that bad for being new. Did you like the new 1950s cover cd? By the way do you have Msn or Yahoo?

darthvonpokemon 07-05-2004 11:40 PM

No MSN or Yahoo. To me, The Misfits without Glenn Danzig is like 'Halloween' without Michael Myers. I got into Samhain's 'November Coming Fire' album, but started losing interest real quick after 'Danzig'

kpropain 07-05-2004 11:48 PM

Hi Darthvonpokemon, you should know me as PRO-PAIN from my board, glad to see you here to......

And I can't help but to do this:D :p JK

Hate_Breeder 07-05-2004 11:49 PM


Originally posted by kpropain
Hi Darthvonpokemon, you should know me as PRO-PAIN from my board, glad to see you here to......

And I can't help but to do this:D :p JK

That guy from TCM tripped me the fuck out dude!

Hate_Breeder 07-05-2004 11:51 PM


Originally posted by darthvonpokemon
No MSN or Yahoo. To me, The Misfits without Glenn Danzig is like 'Halloween' without Michael Myers. I got into Samhain's 'November Coming Fire' album, but started losing interest real quick after 'Danzig'

There was this one guy who used to post on here named xUnholy_Passionx he had so much Samhain shit it was crazy. He showed a whole bunch of pics. I like a lot of Samhains shit though. I liked "The Howl" "I am Misery" and "Kiss of Steel"

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