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vampyd1977 12-18-2014 04:57 AM

the cabinet of dr caligari
i know a lot of people put it in top ten lists of vintage horror movies but apart from a very good score i found little to enjoy, i know its a film that made so many others possible but i simply didnt enjoy it, i found it slow, dull and monotonous.

rachMiel 12-18-2014 05:17 AM

I love the look: sets, makeup, wildly over-the-top (silent movie) acting.

If you want to develop a taste for this kind of thing, check out Shadow of the Vampire, which is a very fun movie about the making of Nosferatu, starring John Malkovich as the ART-driven director and Willem Dafoe as (perhaps the real) Nosferatu.

horcrux2007 12-18-2014 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by vampyd1977 (Post 984178)
i know a lot of people put it in top ten lists of vintage horror movies but apart from a very good score i found little to enjoy, i know its a film that made so many others possible but i simply didnt enjoy it, i found it slow, dull and monotonous.

I think it's an acquired taste. I've seen a little of it, and I was somewhat bored.

vampyd1977 12-18-2014 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by rachMiel (Post 984179)
I love the look: sets, makeup, wildly over-the-top (silent movie) acting.

If you want to develop a taste for this kind of thing, check out Shadow of the Vampire, which is a very fun movie about the making of Nosferatu, starring John Malkovich as the ART-driven director and Willem Dafoe as (perhaps the real) Nosferatu.

i thought shadow of the vampire was a very good movie.

Ferox13 12-18-2014 10:24 AM

Each to their own but I thought it fantastic.

Horror1979 01-07-2015 03:09 AM

I watched that in a film class over a decade ago. great film.

neverending 01-08-2015 08:06 PM

There are reasons out of the tens of thousands of silent films made, people are still watching this one- and it's not because it's dull and boring.

_____V_____ 01-09-2015 02:01 AM

I don't expect a contemporary film watcher, who is addicted to their bam-dham-clang-eek! stuff, to appreciate films which are almost 90 years old.

Examples are in my own family who laugh at the so-called "cheap" effects of The Evil Dead and The Exorcist, and fast-forward through films such as The Descent, REC, etc., to the scary parts, yell a few times and the film is over for them.

Yes, it is somewhat of an acquired taste to appreciate films such as Caligari, Phantom of the Opera, Vampyr, etc. Not many in the present generation would love them for what they are.

Straker 01-09-2015 04:39 AM

Caligari is a genuine masterpiece. The perfectly immersive, dream like atmosphere is something film makers are still striving and failing to recreate today.

I think most people these days would prefer a version of Caligari starring Johnny Depp directed by Tim Burton and for everything to be a little more clean and familiar. But when you watch these commercial entities that turn over millions of dollars every time they work you should really appreciate how much they are lifting from the past. German Expressionism and even more specifically Caligari is prominent in much of Burton's work.

People become familiar with certain standards of cinema though and when you go back to some of these old movies that don't quite follow the formula or have the aesthetic you expect it see, its hard for the mind to appreciate and enjoy it. That's a big part of why so many of these old movies seem dull or slow or 'boring'. Generally speaking, we all find it a little easier to watch 'ABC' movies, but its a real shame if you cant learn to appreciate those movies that don't quite conform to modern standards.

MichaelMyers 01-09-2015 05:11 AM

If you're bored by slow, quiet, horror, up your ritalin. ::cool::

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