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cal_in_space 02-25-2010 09:59 AM

Het Madden, A Zombie Perspective...
We got to the front door and looked outside to see if it was safe. We stood there staring in horror.

It was Janet.

She was on top of a man with her hands around his throat. She was biting and tearing at his tongue and lips and... Eating... Them...

I had never heard a man scream like that before. We rushed outside and I swear she hissed at us. She didn’t attack us; it was just like she didn’t want to share... I stepped back but saw Bob kick Janet in the head, step on the man’s throat and tear his cheek off and eat it. He kept his foot on the his throat so he couldn’t escape, and had a look on his face like he didn’t know what he was doing and couldn’t stop. He was shaking violently. Then we all joined in. We were uncontrollable. It’s like something took over and made us animals.

We tore into him like jackals.

He didn’t stop screaming until we finished his organs.

He was dead and we had killed and eaten him.

We all sat there covered in blood and meat and Carl started to scream; and so did I. This disease had turned us into something... Changed us. Had it made us mad? We remembered then that they said it might be rabies. We just attacked a man and ate him like animals would, with no regard to who he was or his loved ones. I looked over and saw Janet staring at the sun. Babbling something that sounded like a song and then running off. We all went inside and no one said a word until I spoke up.

“Why?” That was all I could say.

Het Madden, A Zombie Perspective
Calvin A. L. Miller II
[email protected]


The overall theme of the book is "a tale from the zombie's point of view". This is a story of reflection, especially in these difficult times. Similar to Kafka’s Metamorphosis, a parallel can be drawn in this man, Hetfield Madden, an “Everyman”, who becomes (at least at first) something less than he formerly was; Due to both situations not under his control and those resulting directly from his actions. He loses everything, including his family, his life, and quite possible his soul, but eventually rises up and conquers his demons (literally). This is a Horror/SciFi story for the times, written in a highly visual style complete with a dark sense of humor. Gore and intrigue combined with political, religious, and spiritual undertones has you cheering for the zombie, and understanding his anger, while reveling in his disgust… with the world, but more importantly, with himself.

kweandee 02-25-2010 10:08 AM

This is a great book, it's a funny thing when you start a book about zombies and almost instinctively your rooting for the humans, in this case the "healthies" only to find that half way through said book you end up rooting for the zombies instead. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it ;)

curved 03-18-2010 11:14 PM

I love (i mean love) the zombie perspective sub-genre.

Looking for more of this type of work.

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