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TheSneak 11-05-2013 07:32 AM

Muck (2014)
Ever since I saw the first screenshot from Muck I was hooked. It's a slasher that stars Kane Hodder as the main villian with a bunch of gorgeous girls including Lauren Francesca and Jaclyn Swedberg. It's supposed to be 100% practical gore, which is something I haven't seen in a long time!

Based on the small amount of info I can find online, it seems this is going to be a series of three movies, Muck being the 2nd one, with a prequel and sequel to be released in the future.

Check out the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0nZ1Lj3UbA

I honestly cannot wait for this!

Tahrgat 12-10-2013 09:57 AM

What makes this film seem so interesting to you? I mean it doesn't look as bad as some of the stuff I've seen, but to be excited for its release means that there is some element to this film which draws you in or thoroughly interests you. For me, how they use women makes me uninterested. I know most slasher films use women in this same way, but the amount of exploitation this trailer contains makes me feel that the film will be nothing more then a cheap thrill even measured against other films in the same sub-genre. That isn't to say there is no audience for that sort of thing. I'm just not that audience.

TheSneak 03-14-2014 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Tahrgat (Post 961204)
What makes this film seem so interesting to you? I mean it doesn't look as bad as some of the stuff I've seen, but to be excited for its release means that there is some element to this film which draws you in or thoroughly interests you. For me, how they use women makes me uninterested. I know most slasher films use women in this same way, but the amount of exploitation this trailer contains makes me feel that the film will be nothing more then a cheap thrill even measured against other films in the same sub-genre. That isn't to say there is no audience for that sort of thing. I'm just not that audience.

100% practical effects is the biggest draw for me. So many movies these days rely too heavily on cgi and vfx to provide that over the top gore. It's nice to see them calling that concept out and doing it all in camera.

I'm also a fan of the "girls running around half-naked and getting killed" kinda guy. Not to mention that it's Kane Hodder doing the bulk of the killing.

TheBossInTheWall 03-06-2015 02:42 PM

I just watched the trailer. It looks like it could be good, but I think the use of generic hollywood beauty ideal actors takes a lot away from the film. For something like this I think more 'real' looking actors would have worked a lot better. Might check it out at some point.

JasonLuck 03-15-2015 07:39 PM

I heard about MUCK via Kickstarter. Their campaign went very well, so obviously there's a market out there for topless babes getting slashed.

But it looks ok, a lot of eye candy. Good on them though for doing it Indie.

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