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Pietrasz4 09-18-2006 05:04 PM

Please help me with horror movies!!!
Can you guys help me out by nameing some horror movies i might enjoy, i am including the names of some of my favorite movies...
video violence 1 and 2
the prowler
death ship
sleepaway camp 1 2 3
truth or dare 1 2 3
cannible campout

i mainly like the low budget type B movies with gore, i dont like the movies with wierd monsters and that crap, i like the kind of movies that can actually happen type, thanks for any help you can give me!!

Roderick Usher 09-18-2006 05:58 PM

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

Battle Royale

Funny Games

Cannibal Ferox


A Clockwork Orange

***pretty good playlist, might make this a weekend violence marathon***

Pietrasz4 09-18-2006 06:32 PM

i have seen most of thoes, do you have any more? i am looking for mainly 80's movies with lots of gore. preferably on screen kills, i hate that crap with the kill and all you see is the shadow!!

bloodrayne 09-18-2006 06:48 PM

Re: Please help me with horror movies!!!

Originally posted by Pietrasz4

i mainly like the low budget type B movies with gore, i dont like the movies with wierd monsters and that crap, i like the kind of movies that can actually happen type, thanks for any help you can give me!!

This description sounds like you need to check out some Herschell Gordon Lewis...Cheesy, gory, funny, good

Also...Dead And Breakfast and Undead

paws the great 09-19-2006 04:31 PM

The Friday the 13th movies.

The Burnning

Prom Night

Hell Night

paws the great 09-19-2006 04:37 PM

Slumber Party Massacre


makemebad 09-20-2006 09:44 AM

What bloodrayne said, Lewis's videos are what you are looking for

2000 Maniacs
Color Me Blood Red
Blood Feast
Blood Feast 2 (most recent and won't dissapoint for gore fans)

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